Maths practice problem set1 – class4

        SET1 Q1: What is sum of prime numbers between 3 and 12 A) 12                     B) 21                     C) 23                     D) 13 Q2: Lucy bought 5 umbrellas for 1225Rs. What is cost of 1 umbrella A) 250                   B) 255                   C) 240                   D) 245 Q3: Priya distributed 2 toffee to each student of her class on her birthday. She had 76...

Maths for class 5 | Maths problem set1 0

Maths for class 5 | Maths problem set1

MATH SET 1 Q1: John sister travelled 5.476m riding on her toy. How many mm did she travelled. A) 54.76              B) 547.6              C) 5476                D) None of these Q2: Sarita went to buy chocolates. She bought 15 sweet and 12 bitter chocolates. What is ratio of sweet to total chocolates. A) 5:4                   B) 4:5                   C) 5:8                  ...

Computer for kids | computer question set1 – class 3 0

Computer for kids | computer question set1 – class 3

Q1: Keyboard and mouse are examples of A) Input device B) Output device    C) Storage device   D) None of these Q2: CPU stands for A) Central publishing unit                   B) Chief processing unite           C)   Central processing unit               D) Chain processing unit Q3: Example of storage device is A) Hard disk drive         B) SSD               C) Monior           D) Both A and B Q4: Which...

A screen shot of a computer screen showing a program. 0

Python coding for kids – Introduction

What is language:- Language is medium through which 2 persons can interact provided they both understand the grammar and vocabulary. For example a person may know english, spanish, french languages and he needs to follow the english grammar and vocabulary when communicating in english. Similarly if he is talking to a person who knows only french then he needs to talk to that person in...


Maths for class3 | Practice problem set 1&2

Q1: Write greatest 3 digit number using 3,6,8 without repeating digitsA) 683 B) 638 C) 836 D) 863Q2: How many ones should be added to 26 tens to reach 347A) 76 B) 64 C) 97 D) 87Q3: If word base and ball are concatenated, which 3 alphabets are used as same fraction of totalalphabet in wordA) b,a,l B) b,s,e C) s,e,l D) s,b,aQ4: If 20...